Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Fishing Report - 24/5/2016

LESLIE DAM: Leslie Dam saw some reasonable numbers of Golden Perch landed over the weekend, with some anglers landing quality Golden Perch off the bank.  The most successful areas were in front of the Washpool Camping Reserve and near the Ski Club.  Shrimps, worms and saltwater yabbies all caught fish, with bag limits being filled quite easily.  Anglers reported on a few smaller legal sized Murray Cod being landed mid week, mainly on spinnerbaits.  Campers reported on landing a few Golden Perch while trolling in front of the Washpool.

CONNOLLY DAM: Anglers at Connolly Dam reported on some large Silver Perch being landed during the week, with worms working the best.  Anglers also landed the odd Golden Perch on saltwater yabbies over the weekend.  One Allora angler had success on black and gold Squidgies Fish.  He landed four legal sized Golden Perch while fishing hard in the weed.  We received two reports of legal sized Murray Cod being landed on saltwater yabbies.  These fish measured 80cm and 67cm.

RIVERS AND CREEKS: The Condamine River continues to fish well, with several anglers landing legal sized Golden Perch over the past week.  The western side of town saw some nice fish landed, with reports coming in from Sandy Creek and Pratten.  We also received reports of Golden Perch being landed below Scots Weir.

MOOGERAH DAM: Moogerah Dam saw some quality Bass landed over the weekend, with most of the fish being in the weed.  Afternoons seem to be more successful than mornings, with soft plastics and tail spinners landing fish when kept on the bottom of the dam.


Jackall “Mikey” Lures

The Mikey is a very versatile bait, if you hold your rod tip up it can be fished on the surface and will create a big wake. Or if you hold your rod tip down it can dive down to 3 feet deep and swim like a real fish. The Mikey is perfect bait to attract feeding Murray Cod.

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